
Church Family Night Dinner

Once a month, we host a meal in our Heritage Hall. The menu, times, and days vary, but the one consistent "ingredient" is time spent in fellowship with one another. Themes for our Family Night Dinner include our annual Chili Cook-Off, talent show, and the annual Picnic with Homemade Ice Cream Contest. We love after-worship potlucks and Wednesday dinners of spaghetti or pork steak. Join us for lunch or dinner. You might encounter a speaker on missions, a game night, or a discussion on the Bible. There will always be a place at our table for you!

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Supper Club

Quarterly we gather together at someone’s home for a time of food and fellowship. This casual gathering is a wonderful way for people to unwind and get to know each other better. These meals are a potluck (sometimes themed) coordinated by the Women, Wine, and the Word group.