Youth Ministry

Regular Youth Events

Starting the Fall of 2019, our youth ministry will have a new format.  Every Sunday the youth will meet at 9:45am for Sunday school where we will grow in our faith together through discussion.  This is a time to ask questions and explore what it means to be a follower of Jesus.  In addition to the weekly Sunday School, the youth will have a monthly activity which will alternate between social and mission activities.  Some months the youth will go the movies or the bowling ally while other months they will work at the Food Bank of Northeast Arkansas or a soup kitchen in Memphis.


Every summer youth from First Presbyterian attend a week long conference at Montreat Conference Center outside of Ashville, NC.  This is a week of study, worship, and recreation with other students from churches around the nation.

Youth Breakfasts

One Sunday a month from September to May, the youth provide break for the church as a fundraiser.  They work with volunteers to prepare and serve the meal and clean up afterwards.  These breakfasts are open to all and we request a $5 donation.